My profile

    My name is Nichakorn.My nickname is Aom.l'mseventeen years old. l was bom on 7 may 2000.l'm from Ban klong nag.llive in Nakhonsithemmarat province.l finishedPratom 6 from Ban klong Nga School.and Mathayom 3 from Changklangprachanukul School.Now l'm studyingin in Mathayom 6 at Changklangprachanukul School.My major is Arts
   There are eight people in my family.My father's name is Prasit.My mather's name is Somjit.My father is 58 years old. He is a gardener.He is hard working.My Mather is 58 years old. She is kind.She is fat.
    We have a dog It is Pompom.I'm good in Physical education.l got grade A in Agricultural,and Homeeconomics.l can play VolleyBall and Badminton.l'm funny and enjoy.ln My free time l like listening to musics.My favourite animal is a dog.My favorite color is red.My favourite fruit in papaya .l wish l have more money.lwish to be happy in every day.My motion is lf you fell yesterday Today,let's stand up.

